Managing the Air Force Fleet 441st Vehicle SPT Chain OPS SQ
The 441 VSCOS selected YSI to provide support for program management, operations, maintenance and administrative support in various aspects of the DPAS program office through the 441 VSCOS chain of command. We provide business processes, providing strategic, operational, and tactical-level support to the agency. Our team provides computer programming and web-development support functions allowing for the maintenance of existing web-enabled database applications and provide future system planning, design, development, maintenance, and implementation to support the various capabilities in all related systems such as Logistics Installation and Mission Support Enterprise View (LIMS-EV), Integrated Logistics Systems-Supply (ILS-S), DPAS, Microsoft Excel, Access and SharePoint, web-based forms and standalone test models). Additionally, we develop, maintain and schedule DPAS training to 441 VSCOS. We implemented automation for testing for efficiency increase.